Karbaumer Farm is a small, seventeen-acre farm just outside Platte City and Kansas City, Missouri. We like to say we are farming “back to the future.” Our farm is powered by draft horses. To help protect this planet we all call home, we use no tractors or chemicals in our gardens or pastures. We collect rain water to reduce water consumption and purchase “green power” from our local utility. Our bees produce honey in hives we keep behind the barn. Animals who come to live on the farm have found their forever home. We grow vegetables organically, selling to local restaurants and families who live nearby. Gleaners from After the Harvest pick up our extra vegetables and distribute them to families who are in need of healthy food.

Restaurants and families, enjoy the freshest locally-grown food you can find.
Bring your table closer to the farm!
Karbaumer Farm had been a member of the Kansas City Food Circle and always signed the Animal Farmers Pledge, the Plant and Mushroom Farmers Pledge, and the Beekeepers Pledge. We continue to maintain those pledges on our farm. The efforts of the Food Circle are now promoted by KC Healthy Kids, www.kchealthykids.org. We also support Local Harvest at www.localharvest.org. Both organizations connect people looking for good food with the farmers who produce it.